Rest in Power, Rest in Love

In Light of losing Nipsey Hussle this week, we as a community, are faced with the all to real ghosts of our community. We are losing black men and women at an alarming rate to police brutality, predators from sex trafficking, drugs and equally disturbing, at our own hands. Each time we lose another soul, there is active outrage, a call for reform, outspoken voices on social media and sadly other acts of violence….yet it persists and we wait to create another hashtag to honor the brother or sister that we have lost.

It is a story that is cyclical in our community. We are too easily slain without any remorse. Our men are locked up and ceremoniously taken from us for lifetimes in jail…still death. Our women are quietly taken in the night, sold into sex rings, or sexually assaulted and left for dead.

When do we organize, when do we realize that our lives are just as important and just as precious as everyone else? When do we realize that violence to fight violence is not that answer? When, at the very least, do we stop taking our own lives, and instead band together to protect each other from the thousands of others who are waiting to take our last breath.

This cycle doesn’t have to continue, we don’t have to wait to lose another leader in our community like Nipsey, we can begin the change now. HIs and so many others’ were senseless, regrettable offenses that could either lead us to come together as a people or end as just another black life lost.

Who will step up to incite change, to show our community another way, to rally our efforts and unite us in a way we have not seen in decades. I don’t know who it will be, but I am ready to take up the cause and I’ll be active in my community until a new way emerges..

I challenge you to find the lights in your community and help to be a connector. Connect the dots so that helpers can easily identify and find each other. Everyone isn’t a leader, but use your strengths for a better tomorrow. A new leader will emerge, let’s be there to encourage, nurture and support that person or people.

Do something, we can’t just sit back and watch another life taken far too soon. We are overdue for change.

For now, Rest in Power and Love, Nipsey, let’s hope your death and those of countless lives before you can become a call to action for a restless community.

Author: Randi