
This may seem like an odd place to start, but from where I’m sitting…. It is way overdue.

Over the span of my career, I have become really good at what I considered prioritizing. The official definition is: Determining the order for dealing with (a series of items or tasks) according to their relative importance. This is a pretty simple concept, you put things in the order for which they are the most urgent. Simple, right? I mentor some of the younger people in my industry about how to prioritize, because you know.. everyone’s ish is urgent to them, so you gotta figure out what actually is.

I genuinely thought I had mastered this art. What clients really need attention, when do they actually need it, is this actually even a real ask… so on and so forth… Nailed it.

I seemingly had forgotten one tiny little detail. ME! I have spent my entire career planning around what was important to everyone else, that I never stepped back to prioritize myself or my needs. This isn’t necessarily true of my personal life (however, it has blead into it) but I am talking about my career path and what made sense for me.

I woke up one morning, not too long ago, and realized I had enough. I was tired of prioritizing things for abusive, ungrateful, selfish, corporate climbers. I had lost what was important for me, or what’s even scarier, had I ever considered what was right for me.

So, I quit! Of course, this was after months of talking to my husband, friends and family and rambling to God; and thus begins my journey to prioritize me, myself and I. I don’t have any answers, I don’t really have a plan, but I have a strong skill-set, a wealth of experience, one helluva support system and this site with my bestie (which I also need to learn to prioritize) to help me figure it out!

Am I scared.. ya’ll I am terrified, but I’m in it.. so away we go!!!

Shout if you can relate!

Author: Randi