Randi Matthews

Q. What’s your drink of choice?

A. I drink champagne like it's water. Am I ashamed, no…Should I be, possibly. My mom still loves me, so I'm good with it.

Q. What do you want to be known for?

A. Wow, We wrote these questions, but dang, I never planned on answering them. LOL. I want to be known as a confidant, a nurturer, a healer. Someone that people felt safe around, a place they could recharge their batteries in order to keep on journeying toward their best selves.

Q. If your life was a song title, what would it be called?

A. Limitless

Q. What’s next for you to accomplish?

A. Keep on keepin' on. My path is constantly changing. I never thought entrepreneurial life was for me, but here I am. I failed miserably at marriage in the past, but now my marriage is thriving. Becoming a mom was never a priority, but now it is my number one gig. I keep surprising myself, so I think I'll stick to that strategy.

Q. How do you take your coffee?

A. A splash of cream, a pinch of sugar and hot!

Q. One piece of life advice you’d give our readers?

A. There are a million ways to find success. Your journey doesn't have to look like anyone else's'. Believe in yourself, be prepared, and you will find your way anywhere you want to go.

Q. One piece of career advice you’d give our readers?

A. Every situation and person you encounter along your career path helps to shape who you become. Take note of the helpers, the leaders, the slackers, the givers, the workers, the disenfranchised, the under-qualified, the over-qualified. They will all serve a purpose on your journey; whether it is information that will be helpful down the road, or a full manual on what you don't want to do. Be aware of your surroundings and use them to propel yourself.

Q. Where do you drink your first cup of coffee?

A. Well my first (and usually my only these days) takes me way too long to drink, and while my intent is to drink it in bed while I spend a few minutes with myself before my husband and child wake up, that usually never happens. So, I try to gulp it down, while holding it away from a precocious toddler, and answering my husband's questions, before it gets cold and sits on my nightstand never to be consumed.

Q. Give us your best toast.

A. Here's to change, the only thing in life that remains the same. May you embrace fate's rearranging, God's grace (cause Lord knows we all need it) and drink to the inescapable transitions from coffee till champagne. Salud!

A little about Randi:

I’m a jack of all trades (master of many). I like a cold glass of champagne whenever the urge hits. I can be bossy, but really I’m just a boss. I am a Mother, a Wife, a Friend, a Daughter, an Entrepreneur, a CEO, a failed comedian, a lover of rom-coms, a woman of faith and so much more. I am really good at the tasks I have taken on and it has taken me a long time to own that. There are still many roles I have left to fill, so this is where I will leave it, for now.

Follow Randi on IG: @makingmovesmatthews @multihyphenmedia @coffeetillchanpagne