Tiffani Thompson

Q: What is your drink of choice?

A: A HUGO. It has Prosecco, St Germain, Mint, Club Soda, Lemon & Lime. The most refreshing ever!

Q: What do you want to be known for?

A: My ability to make everything around me beautiful.

Q: If your life was a song title what would it be called?

A: Deep Breath by Kayla Thompson. Not because she is my baby cousin but because I am learning to take the time to breathe not just when I have the time but in the middle of chaos.

Q: What's next for you to accomplish?

A: Such a hard question. From my past, I am trying to accomplish continuous healing. In my present I am trying to accomplish eating better. In my future I am trying to accomplish a billboard in the middle of NYC with my makeup work.

Q: How do you take your coffee?

A: Black like my men! But really cause I'm on keto. LOL

Q: One piece of life advice you'd give our readers

A: Enjoy the waiting. Whether you are waiting for that promotion, waiting for that job, waiting for that man, waiting for that baby, etc. enjoy the wait. If you wait in anger or sadness, you miss the beauty of life. you miss the miracles that are happening to you in the other areas of your life.

Q: One piece of career advice you'd give our readers

A: You can have the 9-5 and still follow your dreams. You don't have to be broke because the world tells you you need to, when you're following your dreams. You can do both, I am. Also, put your head down and go to work. You won't be acknowledged every time you're killing it and that's okay. Just keep working. Doors will open, opportunities will come, just keep going.

Q: Where do you drink your first cup of coffee?

A: At my desk before the rush of my day but in my mind I'm on a balcony overlooking the ocean.

Q: Give us your best toast

A: Cheers to my celebration circle AKA my support system. I am thankful to be surrounded by those that cheer me on & clap for my accomplishments and hold me up when I've failed.

A little about Tiffani:

Single. No kids.

A Jersey girl who noticed that when you subtract your fear, you give an opportunity for your life and dreams to meet. She is a lover of Jesus and curses for emphasis. She loves long walks down 3 aisles, Sephora, an airplane and a wedding (to see others get married, LOL).

Does that cover everything?!?

Follow @tiffanirainsmua and @tiffanirains

Check out her websites tiffanirains.com and breakfastwithtiffanis.co