Imposter Syndrome- A Short Assessment you know I have had a long career in entertainment (if you don't please read more of our blogs). I have done everything from being an assistant to running a team and everything in between. I have launched products, programs and whole divisions. I have averted crises, been in crisis and watched crises happen.

What I am trying to say is there isn't much that I haven't experienced in my career, and even knowing that I still experience Imposter syndrome.

If this is your first time hearing that term, it is a fancy way of saying that society has got you all the way mixed up and thinking that you don't know what you are capable of doing.

The mindf*uck that is believing that everyone else around you has it all together, but you, for some reason, have just been faking your way through.

It happens a lot to women, but especially women of color. We have always been taught to be better, to be more, to do more just to be on a level playing ground. And lesser people will treat you that way, making you really start to believe that you don't have what it takes to be in whatever space/industry/field you are trying to exist in.

Well, I am here to tell you that it happens to all of us, even when you know you are the baddest mamajamma (yeah I said it) in the room.

You just gotta remember what you know, all you have done and that you belong there. Probably more than most. Society will make you feel less than, because that is how it has been programmed. It wasn't built for women or minorities to succeed....but look at us out here doing it anyway.

I know we all have days where we feel lesser than, or like we don't belong, but don't let that deter you from asking for more money, going after that job, starting your own business, having a child or whatever it is you think it is that you "can't" do. Because you can, you probably already are and you will probably be the best at it.

Your voice and experience matter, and while we may be at different points on this journey, we should all remember that we aren't perfect, but we are perfectly made to be and do whatever our calling is on this earth!

So go forth and do the damn thing, y'all!

Author: Randi Matthews