Digital Bloom

“Bloom Where You’re Planted”

Isn’t it ironic how communities in the digital age are way more expansive geographically than our grandparents, yet just as niche? Because of the Internet, we are more connected to people we’ve never met than blood relatives. 

It’s like the internet gives us access to find OUR PEOPLE. With the internet, we can choose who we want in our communities. Unlike the generations before us who only had the kids from the neighborhood, the classmates from school, or colleagues at the office. Maybe our parents got lucky and stayed in contact with someone they’ve met during travels, but for many -- travel was slim and communication options were limited. 

Our parents’ and grandparents’ circle of influence looked different. “Influence” was only for a few, pre-2000s, and although some families and networks were chosen, access was geographical and/or limited by social access.

At the time of this writing, the internet is 30 years old and it is only since 2001 that Black Planet (my first Social Network) launched. Sometimes I think we’re too trusting of the internet, but what’s the social and even career impact of an individual who holds back and doesn’t find their “people” online?

Author: Jasmine Kent