Take A Vacation

It isn't about them, it's about you! I spent the bulk of my corporate life trying to be something, live up to something, trail blaze, stand out, stand up, etc, etc, etc,

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, in fact, no matter where you are in your career, you should strive for excellence. However, it should not now or ever be at your own expense. It took be a long time to learn that lesson, but once I did, I never looked back.

Being a standout employee is stressful, first in the office, last to leave. Raise your hand to take on any and all projects. Help everyone else out when they are stuck. Ultimate team player. Skip lunch, skip breaks, skip Vacation.

Do you see a pattern?? It isn't healthy and quite frankly it doesn't get you any further in life. A good boss will see your work and your work ethic without having to kill yourself in the process. They will want to help foster your growth and help you to focus and grow the skills that will take you to the next level.

In order to be the best and take the next step you have to pour as much into yourself as you pour into the job. BLACK WOMEN are repeat offenders of bad behavior. Do it for everyone else, but not yourself.

Let's flip that fam. We are the jewel, we are the cogs that make the machine work, we run the world, as Beyonce would say. We need to take ownership of our value and that starts with self care and taking the vacation you are entitled to.

If you work in a shitty place with a shitty boss who gives you grief for taking a vacation, you are in the wrong place, cause guess what?! No matter how many times you save the day, they will still take the credit and keep expecting you to deliver. They profit and move ahead and you are nowhere closer to the next step.

Consider your surroundings, look for bosses and supervisors who understand and appreciate your value. Celebrate yourself and your health by using the days that are available to you by law. Don't be a martyr. Work hard, play hard and be observant!

Author Randi

Coffee till Champange