We Need You

Every now and again we like to write a WORD to celebrate our readers and let them know how much we need and appreciate you. You empower us to dream bigger for ourselves and Coffee Till Champagne. We are always trying to innovate and expand what we are doing, even when life gets in the way… and you know how that goes. However, our CTC Crew gives us confidence and courage to dream bigger, and the patience to understand that we can't do it all at one time.

We need you to continue to push us and support us, but we also need you to contribute. In the past months we have had a lot of friends step up and branch out with their posts and even their commitment to us, it has been huge for us and no amount of thank you's could ever really articulate how we feel...but, yes there is always a but...we need more.

I know, we're greedy, but we are also a growing business and in order to continue to move our initiatives forward, we need constant participation and activation from our community.

So please, PLEASE, send us your stories, comment on our posts, join our crew and let us know what we are missing. We need it, we want it and we gotta have it.

We need you and we hope you need us!! We have some cool stuff in the works, you don’t want to miss it.

Author: Coffee Till Champagne

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