Time To Do Better

Time is valuable, no matter who you are and what you do. As you get older, you realize that time becomes more precious. We have relationships, families, businesses, me time, girls time etc, etc, the list goes on.

We want to make sure that we are spending our time in the best way possible and with the people and things that bring us the most joy.

That’s why it is so indefensible when people decide their time is more valuable than others. Why is it that they think it is ok to command others to bend to their will and be on their schedule, when we are all just trying to get to the same goal. 

Pay attention when we are working, stop wasting time on the computer , IG or tangents that don't matter. Don't come 30 minutes after we agreed we would meet. Please stop procrastinating on things you know others need in order to finish their work; and please, please please, give me more than one window of time when we request to meet. When I say give me a few options for a time to meet, i mean just that, give me more than one option so that we can find a time that makes sense for everyone.

You, you know who you are, are on official notice to do better!

Author: Randi