Blank Stare

As I’m having a conversation with a young woman she tells me that she dislikes working urban events (my word, not hers based on the full conversation) because the attendees don’t respond well to her authority. blank stare

She serves in a customer service role and finds that often, when helping these specific attendees, it takes a manager to enforce the information she has provided as a resolution to their customer service issue. Ok, I get that. Sometimes in customer service no matter what you say the person just needs it reinforced by someone else. I can’t attribute this to just one category of people but that’s her experience.

I’m certain the look on my face showed a mixture of emotions. My poker face is also my resting bitch face, so either way she was getting a look from me. One that apparently made her feel that she needed to justify her statements by further explaining she feels comfortable critiquing this specific group of people because she took an test and found out she’s 18% Sub-Sahara African. blank stare with blinking

I can’t.

Author: Cherrón

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