R: Ok, why am I arguing on this predominately white platform with a black woman about the disparity in pay between white influencers and black influencers? Guess which side I’m on?

S: Oh boy. So she doesn’t agree with you?

R: Girl, why are you arguing the defense when there are plenty of white people to do that? Talking about just because a brand doesn’t pay a black influencer their worth doesn’t mean they are racist. Cool, but what does that make them?

S: Wow. So what DOOOOO you call them?

R: She then was like, I’ve paid black influencers less than they deserve because they didn’t counter. Cool, so what does that make you?


R: Like, I always try to pay black talent at least their value or more, depending on services, when I know the budget can expand, counter or not. You can be fair and still protect the bottom line. Shame on you for adding to the problem.

S: That right there would have set me off, hearing that

R: Now I’m here trying not to turn this forum into something else, but dammit sis you are not helping.

S: Damn. She not even coming from a business standpoint to defend why she pays lower

R: And she keeps saying it’s so frustrating. Yeah it is, but not for the reasons you’ll have people believing.

S: What does she feel is frustrating?

R: That people are trying to make the conversation about race. It’s because it is, it is always a factor.

S: SMH. It’s the root of SOOOOO much imbalance. Would she ever low ball a white influencer? Like did she even say that’s her approach across the board. You know I expect ignorant statements like this from white folks but not our own and it just infuriates me more

R: And she got all these white people out here agreeing with her

D: Wow she is on next level. It’s one thing when white folks do it but when our own start that ish it’s a whole other WTF

R: And I’m really trying not to let this make me the angry black woman because I don’t want to come off like that in this forum or at the hands of another black woman. So I gave her my best  “I think we’re done here” sign off

S: You handled it with such style and grace and I applaud you. Very articulate

R: Thanks

S: Whether she accepts your view or not

R: I tried because I’m over here like, don’t let me unleash

S: Word! LOL. Good valid points were made and all those watching just witnessed 2 black women with 2 different views

R: That’s exactly it

S: People need to see that too

R: I totally agree

S: Despite it raising your blood pressure. It’s all part of the problem we have had for centuries

R: Whew. Absolutely

S: Ignorance is across the board and again could all relate to one’s personal experience

R: Also true, thanks for the talking me down hahaha

D: It comes down to the consequences, right. Just like my BS earlier (see scene 1). You are right, fewer options thus the pool is smaller, so we don’t want to risk losing the opportunity in front of us, even if we know we are worth more

S: We see not all people of color will be on “our side” just like not all white people are racist

R: I learned nothing from her because she is wrong but I generally agree

D: Well yeah she is way wrong and perpetuating the cycle for sure

S: No not anything “from” her but it was a blatant reminder that when we walk in the room we can’t assume all those of color will be fighting the same fight.

R: Totally. Again all part of the system designed to keep us down. And here you are adding to it.

D: All that

R: S, stop being so right. I want to be mad!

S: Can’t say we always do believe they will be on our side but again just a reminder. I swear I often think of the movie Hidden Figures and what times were like back then and how hard it was for them to push through racism and prejudice. I don’t know how they maintained with such poise but it’s typically at the forefront of my mind

R: I think that I would have been dead.

S: LOL me too. We gotta keep our circles tight as our safe havens to vent like this because we will ALLLLL be tested these days. Now more than ever because we know these conversations will keep happening!