
I am a mom of a 1 year old. I will be 40 this year. I am in the midst of starting my own business. I feel like this word best describes my current status. Y’all, this is a lot of work. Everything is new. All of my son’s milestones, heck all of my own milestones, they are all new. I wake up to an unpredictable schedule each day, completely by my own choice, but much of what happens throughout the day is beyond my control. I could never have thought about all of the things that would pop up on this journey to being an independent, boss, mom…but I like it.

Sure, it is a challenge, I am clueless a lot of the time, I absolutely have no idea what my 1 year old will do next at any given moment. What my schedule will look like from day to day is usually a mystery. I don’t know what new adventures await me, but I am here for it all.

I have never felt more like myself, yet so full of the unknown. It has taken me a long time to really appreciate this current version of my life. If you have been reading any of my previous posts, I was lost and in a battle with myself for a long time, especially during pregnancy and just after.

I have finally given in to this chaos I’m calling my life. Moms are super heroes, women are indestructible, and entrepreneurs are crazy. LOL I will whole heartedly own all of those qualities and many many more.

Author: Randi

Coffee till Champange